Word Hike Level 139 answers
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Level 139 - Trace of Time
What does your dog do to a stranger:
Word before "gap", means a group people around a certain age:
Extend the due date of (Youtube membership):
____ Alabama ("Bachelorette" Hannah Brown's title):
Largest human organ on surface:
Doc wears them, a kind of glasses:
Get rid of the skin of (banana):
Exclamation of doubt; "Like I would ever":
"What's your ____?" asked from a new friend:
"Slumdog Millionaire" setting:
"Stay in your ____!" means to mind your own business:
Trace of time shown on the face:
Trace of time through camera images:
Trace of time through clothes:
Trace of time from their growth:
Level 139 - Alternative level version
Australia - Kangaroo answers