Word Hike Level 165 answers
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Level 165 - Types of TV Reality Shows
"Ali ____ and the 40 Thieves":
Kind of language that may help you to convey your opinion when talking:
Do too well, like ordering a medium rare steak but you're served with a well-done:
"Go" signal on a traffic light:
007 says "shaken, not stirred" to these people:
Sudden power increase, voltage spike:
"Open ____" (Journey's megahit of the '80s):
Cat's number of lives, proverbially:
Fenway Park and Wrigley Field:
Thackeray's "novel without a hero":
Type of reality TV show to become beautiful:
Type of reality TV show for a good meal:
Type of reality TV show to become quicker on your feet:
Type of reality TV show to flex your voice:
Type of reality TV show to meet your soulmate:
Type of reality TV show like "The Kardashians":
Level 165 - Alternative level version
Australia - Rainforest of the Sea answers