Word Hike Level 863 answers
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Level 863 - Christo Redentor
Having the capacity to become something:
Decorative structure that shoots water into the air:
Peaceful and relaxed state of mind:
Series of bones that make up the back:
Geometric shape with six square sides:
Part of a plant that absorbs water and nutrients:
Flight for transporting people and vehicles across water:
"Right on the money!" is a compliment for this word:
A flattened plant part often used for decoration or in tea:
A vessel that carries passengers, cars, or goods across a body of water:
A set of clothes worn for a particular occasion:
Competitions or challenges that test skill or knowledge:
Taken for granted or supposed to be true without proof:
Put into position for use or service:
Lightning struck and broke one of the Cristo Redentor ______ prior to the FIFA World Cup in 2014:
Housing ______ in Rio has increased simply if it has a view of the Cristo Redentor:
Brazil - Christo Redentor answers