Word Hike Level 4229 answers
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Level 4229 - In An Art Gallery
Group trying to achieve the same goal:
Beneath or lower than something:
Characterized by rain or wet weather:
A cycle that repeats without end:
_____ Gerais (Brazilian state):
Lacking in useful advice, aid, or guidance:
Behaving as if others are beneath oneself:
To maintain a space, appearance, or behavior in a neat and hygienic state:
To mock, provoke, or insult someone in a hurtful way:
Burned in stoves, furnaces, or to make heat:
Christopher of "Somewhere in Time":
A dapper addition to an outfit:
To strike something with force:
In An Art Gallery: A three-dimensional sculpture:
In An Art Gallery: A public sale where art is sold to the highest bidder:
In An Art Gallery: A display of artwork or items for public viewing:
In An Art Gallery: A person or booklet providing information about the artwork:
In An Art Gallery: A quick, often unfinished drawing or draft:
In An Art Gallery: A booklet listing all the artworks in an exhibit or collection:
In An Art Gallery: A place to sit and view the artwork:
In An Art Gallery: A border that surrounds and displays a piece of art:
In An Art Gallery: A large room where artwork is displayed:
China - Ancient Chinese Inventions answers