Word Hike Level 248 answers
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Level 248 - Seven!
Big surprise, comes with a lot of "!":
Business that sells bread, muffins and rolls:
Short sleeping time in daytime:
Deadly, like cyanide to human:
Short for edu, often appears in the back of some URLs:
____chat: Photo sharing app designed by a group of Stanford university students:
Personal note in case you forget:
Command to a dog when you need to leave it for a moment to the shop:
You need to form a ____ before you can punch someone:
Casino wheel, Russian ________:
How does lava come out of volcano:
Time when fruits are ready for picking:
______ killer: a person who murders three or more persons:
Airboat area, muddy, murky place:
There are 7 salt water areas on earth:
There are 7 divisions of world land surfaces on earth:
There are 7 short companions with Snow White:
These 7 deadly behaviors are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and pride:
Level 248 - Alternative level version
Comprehensive search; win overwhelmingly:
Egypt - Valley of the Kings answers