Word Hike Level 210 answers
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Level 210 - Can Be Blown Off On A Windy Day
James ..., prime minister of the United Kingdom 1976-79:
It opens during the fall (from the plane):
Drink quickly; move slowly (along):
Having everything in its place:
Cologne's river; German wine valley:
Can Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Rainy-day need:
Can Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Stormy weather gear:
Can Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Hamper filler:
Can Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Barrister's headgear:
Can Be Blown Off On A Windy Day: Word after "panama" or "party":
Level 210 - Alternative level version
Germany - Moonlight Sonata answers