Word Hike Level 325 answers
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Level 325 - Famous Brothers
____ Clinton, former U.S. president:
"Pull the ___ out from under" (suddenly remove support for):
Abbr. title for a married woman:
Power ___ (quick snooze during the workday):
"The Star-________ Banner", national anthem of USA:
Tossing and catching from a clown:
"Imagine" album co-producer, Yoko...:
To be inducted into the Hall of ...:
"Want _____ with that?" (burger flipper's question):
Famous brothers of movie studio:
Famous brothers of video games:
Famous brothers of German fairy tales:
Famous brothers of pop stars: Nick, Joe, and Kevin:
Famous brothers of Hollywood: Ben and Casey:
Level 325 - Alternative level version
Greece - Earth-Shaker answers