Have an affliction - Word Hike answers
Are you looking for never ending fun in this exciting logic brain app? Word Hike is the new wonderful word game developed by Joy Vendor, known by his best puzzle word games on the android and apple store. Each pack has more than 15 levels. Some of the packs are: Departures, USA, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Australia. We have also good news regarding the game: All the words were discovered by our team! We will share all of them and add new ones on a daily basis. Last but not least, if you are facing any difficulties in solving this "Have an affliction" or any other Word Hike level, do not hesitate to leave a comment below. Please feel free to send us a comment below, if you are stuck at any level and cant find the right solution.
Have an affliction
The answer to this question:
More answers from this level:
- Both male and female elephants can have _____, which are elongated incisor teeth used for digging, foraging, and defense:
- Elephants have long ______ composed of around 100,000 muscles, which they use for breathing, smelling, drinking, and grabbing objects:
- Energy from the sun's rays:
- One of four for "The Star-Spangled Banner":
- Permission to continue:
- "Walk On By" singer:
- Cavern phenomenon:
- More than needed:
- Fill to overflowing:
- Emperor who ruled Russia before 1917:
- Elephants are known for their remarkable ______, able to remember distant watering holes, migration routes, and even individual humans they have encountered:
- It's 80% of Earth's atmosphere:
- Elephants are among the most ___________ animals, capable of problem-solving, tool use, and exhibiting complex social behaviors:
- Cogito, ___ sum': Descartes:
- Smooths, as a shirt:
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