Word Hike Level 4090 answers
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Level 4090 - A Day In The Jungle
Not affected by artificial means:
Something that might be played at a folk festival:
His touch will complete five puzzle answers:
Quick flurries of intense feeling:
A figure that is part of horror and supernatural lore.:
A being who uncovers the world through text:
Absent the key for opening something:
A person of considerable standing:
A Day in the Jungle: Hot and humid:
A Day in the Jungle: A reptile that slithers:
A Day in the Jungle: Green, fuzzy plant that grows in damp areas:
A Day in the Jungle: Tree hugger?
A Day in the Jungle: Spotted stalker:
A Day in the Jungle: Animal that hangs upside down in trees:
A Day in the Jungle: It has a bed and runs:
Iceland - Craft Beer answers