Word Hike Level 4124 answers
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Level 4124 - A Lazy Day
Emotional leakage in liquid form:
It's what you walk through to enter a room:
People who speculate about things that happen:
Related to the womb's functionality:
Devices for healthcare snipping:
Skittering reptiles often found in warm climates:
The early morning nourishment:
A wrongdoer of a serious kind:
Ancient Egyptian fertility goddess; wife and sister of Osiris:
Implements for eating where road divisions start:
Pains felt by one in charge, each confusing and small:
A foundation for an idea or project:
Arrange a smart crew at the front for old soldier:
A structure that blocks or controls access:
A Lazy Day: Comfort or relaxation:
A Lazy Day: Somniphobe's fear:
A Lazy Day: Rest on a couch, say:
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