Word Hike Level 4125 answers
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Level 4125 - High Sodium Foods
This shaker is often found next to salt:
Blues legend with a guitar named Lucille:
Like the home team in the ninth, if tied or behind:
Screen out impurities in a particular way:
A group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning:
The outer sections on either side:
One who engages in a violent act:
Designated spaces for some riders:
Stains the surface when applied:
A musical device with a unique sound:
Something to wear on your hands in the cold:
Gives off a fizzing sound in a way:
A mark or indication that shows the path or course of something:
High Sodium Foods: Condiments made with brine:
High Sodium Foods: Soup with tofu and seaweed:
High Sodium Foods: Greek salad topper:
High Sodium Foods: Happy Meal component:
High Sodium Foods: Pack one to eat in the field in Kent:
High Sodium Foods: Hot dog topper:
High Sodium Foods: Spicy yellow condiment:
High Sodium Foods: Kind of sauce:
Iceland - Volcano answers