Word Hike Level 3714 answers
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Level 3714 - Requires A Signature
Sets of tasks and obligations employees are expected to complete:
What historical explorers strived to make the world:
Create a sculpture by carving, molding, or modeling:
Before the first chapter in a book:
Mischievous children causing trouble:
Thin and slender, lose some weight:
John ______ is the US actor who starred as Jesse Katsopolis in "Full House":
Quickly ran away from trouble:
Time away from work, maybe needed:
Nocturnal bird that may catch rodents:
Requires A Signature: Commencement document:
Requires A Signature: Legal document:
Requires A Signature: Account presented to Parliament:
Requires A Signature: To perform a task or function, or a segment of a play or performance:
Requires A Signature: Piece of plastic that lets you borrow money to make purchases:
Requires A Signature: Breaking one is risky:
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