Word Hike Level 416 answers
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Level 416 - It's Snowing!
Twitter followers for celebrities:
Knife's companion when eating steak:
Recognized, famous; "He is _____ for his theory in black holes":
Warm-blooded animal like cheetah or whale or human:
Situation of a mother; expecting for a baby:
Grappling entertainer, like Hulk Hogan:
"I'll wash the dishes today, and you can wash them tomorrow." "____ enough.":
"I haven't ____ you in ages, bro":
You make this temporary guy in the backyard during snow:
The weather is chilly during snow:
The landscape all becomes this cloud color during snow:
You may need to wear these finger warmers during snow:
You may need to wear this neck-warming item during snow:
This short-lived icy crystal is fallen from the sky during snow:
This solid water is formed during or after snow:
Japan - Miyajima answers