Word Hike Level 3976 answers
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Level 3976 - While You Wait
Looked away to avoid seeing something unpleasant:
Greek goddess of marriage and birth:
In Roman times, to punish by executing one in ten men:
Fruit that, when dried, goes by another name:
Wait For Outcome: Trial experiment:
Breaking suddenly into tiny bits:
One who seeks answers relentlessly, often with a critical intent:
Instruments for pulling out tight fitting components:
A color that is a shade of blue-green:
Try to persuade someone to do something:
Highly respectable individuals:
Something that is ________ is currently being done:
Current reputation or position:
While You Wait: Bedroom scene:
While You Wait: Action by the bored:
While You Wait: "Use your head!":
While You Wait: Friendly and casual talk:
While You Wait: Moan, whine, grumble:
Jordan - Roman Theater answers