Word Hike Level 3539 answers
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Level 3539 - It's White
Term for a large number that is actually fictitious:
Posthumous Franz Kafka novel, with "The":
Making small changes to something:
Politician who shows no sensitivity is this:
Not in a straight arrangement:
Sudden acquisition of authority causes chaos:
Proven theories, unlike opinions:
Mental process involved in understanding and consciousness:
A _____ eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between Earth and the Sun:
Sharp cutting edge of a tool or weapon:
Harsh scratching sound, like nails on chalkboard:
It's White: 90's Blockbuster with Swayze in the Pottery Barn:
It's White: "The Hunger Games" president Coriolanus ___:
It's White: Chess piece with a horse head:
It's White: Part of a shirt around your neck:
It's White: Kids sometimes ___ to their parents about scores of test:
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