Word Hike Level 4135 answers
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Level 4135 - Malta Carnival
A curved ceiling. Something like a half-sphere:
Living things that provide shade:
A compact object with a digital screen:
Part of a race or track event:
Transfer a liquid without spillage:
Where the accordion was first patented:
A bunch of people with a common goal:
A person who acquires during a violent event:
Fine grains that can be a nuisance:
Malta Carnival: A decorative item often used in costumes during the Malta Carnival:
Malta Carnival: A musical instrument commonly played in parades at the Malta Carnival:
Malta Carnival: A colorful decoration frequently seen during the Malta Carnival:
Malta Carnival: Small pieces of paper thrown in the air during celebrations like the Malta Carnival:
Malta Carnival: A costume accessory often worn for added flair during the Malta Carnival:
Malta - Malta Carnival answers