Word Hike Level 4128 answers
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Level 4128 - Elements On The Periodic Table
Seeking justice for a wrong done:
The spot where fowl find repose after a day out:
A property with a traditional architectural style:
A course that connects various locations:
An instrument that makes brassy sounds:
Submerges in a fluid environment:
Short on necessary provisions:
Equal to four tens and two ones:
A hard-shelled seed that is edible:
Advanced with the understanding of repayment:
Elements On The Periodic Table: About 97% of the modern penny:
Elements On The Periodic Table: Top prize at the Olympics:
Elements On The Periodic Table: Base for life forms here:
Elements On The Periodic Table: Its symbol is Ag:
Elements On The Periodic Table: Element No. 5:
Elements On The Periodic Table: Metal that rusts:
Elements On The Periodic Table: A gas used in illuminated signs:
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