Word Hike Level 4068 answers
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Level 4068 - Let's Do A Spring-cleaning
Attractive quality or feature:
Inclining or descending sharply:
A source of water in a dry region:
Not easy to climb, like indoor climbing walls:
The rate at which something moves or operates.:
The wearing away of land over time:
Took courses in a specific area:
A cloth that is wrapped around the body:
A solid figure with two parallel and congruent polygonal bases and rectangular lateral faces:
Factor that determines an organism's characteristics:
Let's Do A Spring-cleaning: Cleaning, as a rug:
Let's Do A Spring-cleaning: Floor- cleaning tool:
Let's Do A Spring-cleaning: Cleaning tool with a handle and bristles:
Let's Do A Spring-cleaning: Things that can eventually be discarded:
Let's Do A Spring-cleaning: Dishwashing aid:
Let's Do A Spring-cleaning: Cleaning cloth:
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