Word Hike Level 4045 answers
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Level 4045 - A Romantic Wedding
A flat-tailed rodent who cuts down trees:
Kitchen appliance that gets hot when in use:
Nocturnal bird that may catch rodents:
Lizards notable for changing colors:
Not permitted, allowed, or authorized; prohibited or forbidden:
Right of way, to a property owner:
__________ instruments are struck by hand or played with mallets, emphasizing rhythm over tone:
Having a ____ skin means to be easily offended:
Use needle and thread to stitch clothes:
Almost dry, like unfinished laundry:
A tastefully arranged and decorated bunch of flowers:
Oath that is sometimes pledged on entwined pinkies:
Half of McDonald's "golden" logo:
To hold tightly and affectionately in one's arms:
The organ in your chest that pumps blood:
Mauritius - Turtle Bay answers