Word Hike Level 3572 answers
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Level 3572 - Makes Contact With Your Cheeks
An amateur's best chance to do stand up:
Filled with joy and happiness:
Desert plant that rolls in the wind:
A type of "course" where objects are put in your way:
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, e.g.:
A winter driving hazard that is particularly hard to spot:
It's usually the number of items on "top" or "most" lists:
Nike is the Greek goddess of this valued result in sports:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: Lifeline's location:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: Sauna wear:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: Bride's headgear:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: A case is often made for it:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: Hair salon staple:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: Little sucker:
Makes Contact With Your Cheeks: Additive to coffee:
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