Word Hike Level 676 answers
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Level 676 - Common Themes In A Poem
Corrects, fixes or makes well:
Athletes who don't play professionally:
Like thumped watermelons making a deep sound:
It's useless having excessive pride:
"I don't have time right now":
It may be changed at the altar:
Europe-based group with no European members:
"Always be a ____, even in prose": Baudelaire:
Christmas purchase that's quickly thrown out:
Glass toys you'd be mad to lose!
Common Themes In A Poem: Desire for success:
Common Themes In A Poem: Continued existence:
Common Themes In A Poem: Newspaper section:
Common Themes In A Poem: Computer capacity:
Common Themes In A Poem: Major science journal:
Common Themes In A Poem: Journal subject:
Norway - North Cape answers