Word Hike Olympics Level 1 answers
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Olympics Level 1
Intense desire, often associated with passion or craving:
An American in Paris'' is one:
Subject of a Snopes investigation:
A small, round piece of metal used as currency:
The only city to host the Summer Olympics three times (1908, 1948, 2012).:
To pull something with a sharp, strong movement:
A ghostly figure or a sudden, unexpected appearance:
The 2000 Summer Olympics were held in this Australian city.:
Manuscripts that have been erased and reused:
A small cap often associated with Judaism:
The birthplace of the modern Olympic Games (1896).:
A platform for sharing views and perspectives:
Held the 1988 Summer Olympics in South Korea.:
A flatfish with a mild flavor, often found in European waters:
Not a common color in nature.:
The first city to host both the Summer (2008) and Winter (2022) Olympics.:
Title for a Canadian province leader:
Things that offer double the benefit or value:
Set to host the Summer Olympics in 2024.:
Hosted the Summer Olympics in 1964 and 2021.:
Olympics answers