Word Hike Level 805 answers
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Level 805 - Reason To Stay In Airport
Link that can't have any spaces:
Like pure water, on the pH scale:
Recommends a course of action:
Civilian accommodation for a soldier:
Unwanted effect on a recording:
Winding tramline comes to depot:
It doesn't go in the microwave:
Genuinely or with true feelings:
Friendly message from someone who is absent:
Sympathy for another's suffering:
Comprise as part of; involve as a factor:
Twist out of the normal shape:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Boom from sky:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Tropical cyclone:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Livestream annoyance:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Desert rarity:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Brilliant electric spark:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Skiing surface:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Engine failure:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Invalidate or annul:
Reason To Stay In Airport: Blizzard or typhoon:
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