Word Hike Level 2128 answers
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Level 2128 - 3People Build Statue To Commemorate...
Place where you often find packages left for you:
Software that allows you to see and modify its code:
Stick to this if you want things to stay in place:
Sending messages to a wide audience through the airwaves:
Animal which is hunted and captured by another animal:
Moving from the outside to the inside of something:
Hole in your tooth that needs to be filled:
Internet meme dog that became a virtual currency symbol:
Someone who relies on another person for support:
To stay in a place or situation longer than necessary:
The digit that follows eight in counting.:
Tried to do something, but with uncertain success.:
A sharp tool used for shaping or cutting hard materials.:
Accidentally losing your balance and falling.:
A group of animals or plants living together in an organized community.:
To voluntarily transfer something to someone else.:
A pungent and flavorful bulb used in cooking.:
A man who is influential and protective within a criminal organization.:
The material or layer used to cover the inside of something.:
Color of hair often associated with wisdom:
Shapes on the moon during certain phases:
Large marine mammal with long tusks and thick blubber:
Fashion house known for its luxurious designs:
Instances of returning to a place or activity:
Outdoor activity of walking in nature:
Financial state of being unable to pay debts:
Act of supporting or promoting a cause or idea:
People Build Statue To Commemorate...: Leader of a country, elected to the highest office:
People Build Statue To Commemorate...: Occurrence or happening, often planned or celebrated:
People Build Statue To Commemorate...: Brave individual serving in the military:
People Build Statue To Commemorate...: Freedom and independence, cherished by many:
People Build Statue To Commemorate...: Conflict between nations or groups:
People Build Statue To Commemorate...: Supreme being, often worshipped as divine:
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